Who Sang It Better Battle Between FFDP And The Offspring
The Offspring released "Gone Away" in 1997 then 20 years later Five Finger Death Punch decided to do a cover of it. Which band would have your nomination if they were in a music match against each other?
Five Finger Death Punch took "Gone Away" and molded it into their personal misery. Instead of making it about a girlfriend, they made it about a battle buddy lost at war. The music video for Five Finger Death Punch did a damn good job tugging at your heartstrings. As for The Offspring, the music video just featured Dexter Holland singing about his girlfriend dying in a car accident. Now, this is the same song and lyrics just a different way of telling the story. Curiosity is killing me so I want your opinion on who you think sang it better above.
Pick which band has you raising the volume to "Gone Away" down below in the poll!