Veronica Remembers a Former Family Dog on National Dog Day
Today is National Dog Day and I thought I would share a story about our former family dog. I remember it clear as day when my sister got what would be the best family dog we've ever had. It was the summer of 2003 after I graduated from Coronado High School. We had picked him up when he was just a puppy from a family that sold him to us. That very same day my sister wanted him to have a sibling so he wouldn't be alone. After picking him up we were on our way to the Humaine Society to adopt a cat. Unfortunately, we didn't make it to the Humaine Society because of some jerks in a pickup truck. The guys didn't have the green arrow to turn left and we ended up hitting him t-boning them against the light pole on Paisano and Gateway South.
It was the first accident I had where I woke up in a daze to the ugly smell of the airbag smoke. My sister's dog had somehow ended up where my feet were near the brakes and gas pedal. After that day, my sister decided to name the black labrador, Lucky. Since that day Lucky had been the best family dog that we all could have. Even when my son was born in 2010, Lucky would always sleep by my son's bassinet. Not only that Lucky was the most gentle dog around since he NEVER snapped at my son. My son would always pull his ears, sit on Lucky, or just cuddle with him and Lucky never budged. Hell, even on a period of time I had gone through a rough patch Lucky stayed by my side. It was in 2015 when we had to put him down which was the hardest thing to do. Today I honor Lucky on National Dog Day today and miss him very much.