Try This Easy de la Rosa Mazapan Agua Fresca at Home
Lately, it seems like Tik Tok has been the new recipe book for making new drinks. Just like Joanna got hooked on the new coffee trend, Dologna Coffee. Now there is a new trend going around on Tik Tok my friend Cassandra had to try. There is a different way you can now enjoy Mazapan. I know there are a lot of people who enjoy eating Mazapan. At one point we all have tried to open Mazapan without breaking off a crumb. This time around the candy will need to be crushed in order to make this drink.
The new way to enjoy Mazapan now is by drinking it. It may sound strange to think about mixing Mazapan with liquids and drinking it. I have not yet tried this new Tik Tok trend but I have tried a Mazapan Latte and it was delicious. If the latte was good, I can trust my really good friend when she says Mazapan Agua Fresca tasted amazing. It was her first time trying out this new recipe last night. She shared her special recipe with me to share with you.
You will need 6 ingredients in order to make the Mazapan Agua Fresca at home. Those ingredients include, 8 Mazapans, 1 can of condensed milk, 1 tsp vanilla extract, half a cup of sugar, 6 cups of water, and peanuts. After you have all your ingredients together, throw each one in the blender except the peanuts. The peanuts you will throw in a zip lock bag and crush them into pieces. The peanuts add a nice touch for a crunch in your Mazapan agua fresca. After you have blended the ingredients you can throw in the peanuts right after. This tasty and crunchy drink is worth giving it a try at home to enjoy on these hot summer days.