Toy Machine’s Professional Skateboarding Team Visits El Paso
Skateboarding brand Toy Machine uploaded a photo of Leo Romero a professional skateboarder in El Paso! Leo Romero was holding up a pizza box from Pizza Patron next to his similar look.
Just recently Toy Machine uploaded a photo on their Instagram account that mentioned El Paso, Texas! It was of the professional skateboarder, Leo Romero, and his costume. The picture was Leo Romero holding up a Pizza Patron box beside his face which you can see a resemblance! Now if you're a fan of the professional skateboarder, then you should know he visits El Paso quite often. He has made several trips and see El Paso, Texas was also featured on Thrasher Magazine. There are a bunch of photos they took at different hidden skating spots in El Paso.
If you're a fan of the professional skateboarder Leo Romero, you could possibly bump into him in El Paso since he visits quite often.