Throwback To The Sun City BaconFest 2 Years Ago
Our Sun City BaconFest is almost here and if you're a bacon lover you must join us! This will be the only time you can taste all kinds of bacon-inspired eats.
Lone Star Rider made sure to document his Sun City BaconFest journey. He gives you a virtual tour of how many food trucks were parked Downtown in the Union Plaza Entertainment District. Not only will there be food but also bacon inspired refreshments. Although this was a couple years ago, Malolam were serving Bacon Tacos and Bacon Corn in a Cup. Some of these items may sound crazy to you but sure do taste good on the tongue! If you've been looking for different recipes to use bacon for this event will definitely give you some ideas.
After watching this quick tour of the Sun City BaconFest paints you a picture of how many bacon fans are in El Paso!
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