There are currently only 3 counties in the United States that are reporting no coronavirus cases and one of them is right here in the Lone Star state. While it seems the entire country is battling the coronavirus pandemic, there are shockingly some places in the country that are currently free of the virus. Don't get your hopes up too high, since only 3 counties in the entire nation can proudly say they are covid free. Esmeralda County, Nevada and Kalawao County, Hawaii both have no cases of coronavirus and the last county is located right here in West Texas. Lovington County is located between El Paso and the Midland Odessa area and is small, with a population of only 143 according to the US Census.

According to this report from CNBC, the reason COVID hasn't run rampant through Loving County is simple- lots of land and not a lot of people. Loving County Attorney Steve Simonsen told the news outlet that there are only six people per square mile in Loving County. People move at a slower pace in Loving County, which may have helped keep COVID out of the area- at least for now. Despite lockdown orders earlier in the year from Texas Governor Greg Abbott, Loving County didn't have to lock down since they weren't facing the massive epidemic the rest of the world has been seeing. The remote location has allowed life to continue on as it did before the pandemic. Only time will tell if the area will see a positive COVID case but if current trends stay true, it will only be a matter of time. Cases all over the country are increasing rapidly and places like El Paso are less than four hours away where today we saw almost 1,400 new COVID cases. Check out the video above and see how living in Loving County seems like you're living in a pre-COVID time.

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