Luckily STAT got to witness and interview a man undergo some fishy treatment. Josue Bezerra Jr. is a Electrical Supervisor who was severely burned on the job that is trying a new approach to heal.

The doctor Edmar Maciel is a plastic surgeon and is a President of the Burns Institute in Brazil. The special ingredient they've been experimenting with is something we're familiar with that we eat. Yes, they have been placing tilapia over Josue's burn wounds that has shown a major result. The sterilized fish skin is apparently a faster and less painful treatment for burn wounds. How it works is they cut the skin into pieces placing it on the skin which creates a buffer effect. This kind of treatment blocks all types of contamination that prevents loss of moisture and proteins from the burn. This treatment is currently in clinical trials with 52 patients in the study.

Be sure to check out this fishy treatment and see just how well it works above!


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