Television preacher and well-known escaped mental patient Pat Robertson this week said that the recent tornadoes in the U.S. could have been avoided. But people didn't pray hard enough. So eff 'em.

We have a new feature we plan on using anytime Pat Robertson says something insane. It's called "That's  Pat" and you can hear the first installment by clicking on the jump below.


In the past, Pat has blamed the Haitian earthquake on voodoo and hurricanes on gays and abortions.  Funny, he's never blamed a natural disaster on gays having abortions. Just an oversight, I'm sure he'll cover that one next.

Here's the video of  his tornado comments. Notice as he starts answering the question he begins by sounding very rational. "Well, you see, when a mass of warm air collides with a mass of cold air the resulting pressure systems..." .  See if you can pinpoint the exact moment when he realizes "Oh, crap! I've been talking for 20 seconds now and nothing completely bat-shit crazy has come out of my mouth!! Uh, uh....GOD SENT TORNADOES BECAUSE "GLEE" WON IT'S NIELSEN TIME SLOT!!!"


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