Info Texas Voters Need To Know About How To Vote In November
Election day is coming up fast, here is everything voters in Texas need to know about the big day.
Tuesday, November 5th,Texans will head to the polls to vote for all kinds of different federal, state and local offices as well as the President of the United States of America.
There are certainly some characters running for these offices but we'll stay off the candidates and just stick to the "how to's" of voting. First of all, make sure you're a registered voter. If you're not, you can register here.
The deadline to register to vote November 5th is October 7th so you better hurry. You:
- Must be a U.S. citizen.
- Must reside in the county where you’re registering.
- Must be at least 17 and 10 months old, and 18 by election day.
- Cannot be convicted of a felony.
When Can I Vote?
You can vote on Election Day, (11/5), or during early voting. Early voting begins 17 days before the election, October 20th and ends 4 days before the election, November 1st. Find a convenient El Paso early voting site here.
You may also be eligible to vote by mail. Read the details and requirements here.
Can I Vote If I'm Not In My Home City?
Yes. If you're away from home but still in Texas, you can request what is called a "limited ballot" but you can only vote early, not on 11/5, and only at the main early voting location. For questions, contact:
- El Paso County Elections Administrator Lisa Renee Wise
- 500 E. San Antonio, Suite 314, El Paso 79901
- (915) 546-2154FAX: (915) 546-2220
Bring proper ID. Voters outside the USA can still vote, here's how.
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Gallery Credit: Aly