Popular Owl in Texas Finally Gets Her Own 24/7 Livestream
Who knew that Texas had a very famous owl? Meet Athena, a popular Texas owl who has been visiting Austin's Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center since 2012.
Isn't she magnificent?
Athena has become a favorite in the Lone Star state and now, she's finally getting her very own livestream! This is according to the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center in Austin who wrote:
For more than a decade, the Wildflower Center has been home to a nesting pair of great horned owls (Bubo virginianus). Lucky for us — and our guests — the female, who we call Athena, nests in a very conspicuous place, right above the entrance to our Courtyard in the sotol (Dasylirion wheeleri) planter nestled in the north corner. When conditions are right and her eggs hatch into owlets, she provides a rare opportunity to view a wild great horned owl rearing her young.
Just look at these adorable owlets! Also, how cute is it that baby owls are called "owlets"?!
These are Athena's owlets from 2020.
For years, guests and avid owl lovers had to travel to Austin to get a little glimpse of Athena and her young. But now, thanks to a collaboration with Cornell Lab of Ornithology, you can check out what Athena is up to 24/7 with their livestream!
This is a great way for Athena fans to see what Athena is up to as well all the while not impacting their nesting habits. Although, they did have to put a disclaimer:
Disclaimer: We don’t want to ruffle any feathers! Please be aware that the live feed may occasionally display natural behaviors that some viewers may find unsettling. Viewer discretion is advised.
Nature can get crazy sometimes!
You can learn more about Athena here.
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Gallery Credit: Dubba G