Texas Is Getting Rid Of Red Light Cameras?
Texas has taken the first step towards doing away with red light cameras at intersections.
Some people are all for the cameras, saying that they prevent accidents. Others point to stats that indicate rear-end collisions go up significantly in camera-monitored intersections. Whatever side you're on, a bill banning the cameras has passed the Texas House.
Rep. Jonathan Stickland calls the cameras unconstitutional, saying:
"The burden of proof is on the person to prove that they are innocent, which is a complete upside-down view of our judicial process and the notion that you are innocent until you are proven guilty" - KTSM
From here, it goes on to the Senate. If it passes there, the Governor gets it. Other bills currently working their way through the process include one that outlaws a popular telemarketers trick, another that would open up the use of medical marijuana to more people and a third seeks to lessen the penalties for marijuana possession.