We take our food VERY seriously here in Texas; there are certain food items that we love that some non-Texans might consider "disgusting" or "gross". We know that everyone's tastes are different & that not everyone will like the same things. For example, I tend to avoid most dishes involving fish (I just don't like seafood).

However when it comes to listing the WORST foods from Texas, that can be a little controversial. One website actually listed the overall worst rated Texas foods of all time.

Here's what Taste Atlas says are the worst dishes in Texas

If you've ever visited Taste Atlas, they do very thorough lists on food items and restaurants that they recommend people try if they visit a specific place or if they're looking for a specific type of food.

Recently, they listed, what they thought, were the top 6 worst "Texas dishes" and their choices were...interesting to say the least. They included breakfast tacos (which I don't agree with but it depends on WHERE you get them from), chili cheese fries, Texas caviar, Texas toast and chicken fried bacon. And the #1 worst rated dish from Texas is...

Organic CornDog on a stick with ketchup and mustard

Corn dogs... yeah. A staple at the Texas State Fair since 1942 is the worst rated dished from Texas. It's a very interesting choice putting them at the top. If you want to read more about what Taste Atlas says, you can read their full analysis here.

Now like I said, everyone's tastes are different & we've certainly talked about what might be considered the worst foods in Texas before (some I think are much worse than what Taste Atlas says).

We definitely respect Taste Atlas for listing THEIR top 6 but I think many people will respectively disagree with what they said. Except for the bacon. Yeah they might have a point about that one...

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Gallery Credit: Tara Holley

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Gallery Credit: KLAQ

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Avoid placing these things down your garbage disposal. Doing so could save you a lot of time, headache, money, and an emergency after-hours call to your local plumber.

Gallery Credit: Canva

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