Stephanie is quitting smoking! She's set her smoke-free day (Nov. 4) and has a plan to make it stick this time. Join her in this difficult journey and share any advice you may have as she transitions from a smoker to an ex-smoker.
Smoke-Free Stephanie

Quitting Smoking is the PERFECT New Year’s Resolution for 2016
I'm generally not one for New Year's resolutions, but I can't think of a better one that a smoker can make than to commit to finally kicking the butts.

50 Hours of Chain Smoking
More than a month after quitting smoking, I noticed a stat that put it all into perspective.

1 Month Smoke-Free
It's officially been a month since I've taken even a drag of a cigarette and after making it through the worst parts of quitting, I'm feeling better than I have in years.

Awesome Things To Buy With Money I’ve Saved Quitting Smoking
In the 28 days since my last cigarette, I've saved $163. Here's five badass ways I could spend it.

3 Years After My Mother’s Lung Cancer, I’m a Non-Smoker
Three years after my mother beat lung cancer, I'm proud to finally call myself a non smoker.

Much to Be Thankful For After Quitting Smoking
I've officially been smoke-free for nearly three weeks. Eighteen days, to be exact. That's 18 days without a singular puff of a cigarette.

If I Can Do It, You Can Do It — The Great American Smokeout
Today (the third Thursday of November) is the annual Great American Smokeout — a day the American Cancer Society urges smokers to kick cigarettes to the curb and finally become non smokers, something I'm proud to say I've been for nearly two weeks now

It’s NEVER Too Late To Quit Smoking
Being a smoker for as long as I was, it's safe to say I've smoked to a decent number of smokers. Pretty much all the smokers I've met through the years want to quit, but are either intimidated by going through the quitting process, or worse, resigned to whatever health problems they may face from smoking.

Day 3 of Stephanie Quitting Smoking (Again)
I did as I said, and stuck to my smoking quit date on the 4th, and made it precisely 22.5 hours before caving and buying a pack of cigarettes.

Day 1 Smoke-Free
Stephanie's first day of being smoke-free leads to a breakdown, complete with tears, in the studio following the Morning Show.

I’ve Set My Quit Date — Quit Smoking With Me!
I'm quitting. After smoking on and off for the past 13 years, I'm ready to finally give cigarettes the boot.