Don't Forget These 9 Tasks When Clocks Spring ForwardDon't Forget These 9 Tasks When Clocks Spring ForwardBut this time change is about more than losing an hour of precious sleep. There are a few other essential tasks you should tackle this weekend.Iris LopezIris Lopez
Best And Worst Times, Weather-Wise, To Be In El PasoBest And Worst Times, Weather-Wise, To Be In El PasoAs El Paso's windy season approaches ... , or arrives, depending on who you ask ... the question arises; when does the weather make being in El Paso kinda suck?Dubba GDubba G
Seasons El Pasoans Can Easily Enjoy Celebrating Besides ChristmasSeasons El Pasoans Can Easily Enjoy Celebrating Besides ChristmasEverybody loves Christmas but there are plenty more seasons year round. So what is El Paso's favorite to celebrate?Daniel PaulusDaniel Paulus
The Heat is On: Will El Paso Get Its First Triple Digit Day This Week?The Heat is On: Will El Paso Get Its First Triple Digit Day This Week?Tuesday, June 21st is the first official day of the Summer season but the borderland will get a sneak peek of that hot weather this week and weekend.Iris LopezIris Lopez
Can You Feel Fall In The Air Yet? Or, Am I Just Getting Anxious?Can You Feel Fall In The Air Yet? Or, Am I Just Getting Anxious?Sure, it doesn't officially kick in until September 22nd but, I can already kind of feel it in the air. Can you?Dubba GDubba G