El Paso Photographer Captures Intense Thunderstorm In Slow Motion VideoEl Paso Photographer Captures Intense Thunderstorm In Slow Motion VideoEl Paso Photographer Jorge Salgado was able to capture El Paso’s lightning storm in a slow motion video.Iris LopezIris Lopez
Townsquaremedia El Paso Wishes One of Our Own the Best of LuckTownsquaremedia El Paso Wishes One of Our Own the Best of LuckIf you have friends in the radio business then you know somewhat about how things work around here.Veronica GonzalezVeronica Gonzalez
EP Native Captured a Stunning Photo of a Fossil on Scenic DriveEP Native Captured a Stunning Photo of a Fossil on Scenic DriveA borderland native Joel Salcido ventured out on one of his visits to capture the beauty of El Paso.Veronica GonzalezVeronica Gonzalez
EP Photographers Can Help You Re-Enact These '90s Glamour ShotsEP Photographers Can Help You Re-Enact These '90s Glamour ShotsHave you ever dug through boxes you found that were labeled high school stuff when cleaning house?Veronica GonzalezVeronica Gonzalez
Filmmaker Charlie Minn Blasted by El Pasoans He's DisrespectedFilmmaker Charlie Minn Blasted by El Pasoans He's DisrespectedAn El Paso photographer was dealing with unnecessary remarks from filmmaker Charlie Minn.Veronica GonzalezVeronica Gonzalez
El Paso Photographer Needs Your Help IDing People in PhotoEl Paso Photographer Needs Your Help IDing People in PhotoA photographer has a couple photos from quinceañeras 2014 or 2015, and he needs your help identifying the people in the pics.Brandon CoatesBrandon Coates
Man Sues Photographer Over Wedding Photos That Didn’t Work Out.Man Sues Photographer Over Wedding Photos That Didn’t Work Out.Apparently the marriage didn't either, but who has time for trivialities?Dubba GDubba G