
DC's Latest KFC Promo
DC's Latest KFC Promo
DC's Latest KFC Promo
DC's latest promotional comic for KFC is a sequel to last year's "The Colonel of Two Worlds," in which Colonel Sanders teamed up with the Flash to fight Colonel Sunder, his evil counterpart from Earth-3. It involves an attack from Sunder that causes eleven of the Colonels Sanders of the Multiverse to each forget all but one of the Eleven Secret Herbs and Spices, meaning that they have to all team up to remember how to make fried chicken, including the Colonel Sanders of the Kingdom Come universe or the far-off future of the Legion of Superheroes. It posits that Colonel Sanders and Kentucky Fried Chicken are multiversal constants within the construct posited by Multiversity and Convergence, on par with Superman and Batman. And it is the single best DC comic of the year.
Amazing Japanese Cell Phone Ad Video
Amazing Japanese Cell Phone Ad Video
Amazing Japanese Cell Phone Ad Video
Not sure we have this phone here in the United States, but if you lean green, you'd probably want one. You don't have to hug trees to appreciate this, though. Combine an ad campaign with the Japanese penchant for thought-provoking performance art with Bach and you get this. Marvelous.