KLAQ Wants You To Win $30K – Here Are Some Weird Facts About $$$
KLAQ wants you to win cash - $30 thousand dollars to be exact. Here are a few ideas on how to spend it and some weird money facts.
$30 grand in your hand ... that's what you could wind up with. Just listen Monday - Friday from 8 through 5 for "cash codes".
Once you have the code, enter it with the KLAQ Mobile App and cross your fingers. It's that simple ... we also have $100.00, DAILY winners. 10 per day.
You can do a lot with $30K.
You can buy a book about Ferrari, (assuming the current owners don't mark 'em up any), or you can pay most of the tuition and fees for a Bachelors degree at UTEP. ($34,032)
If you take your $30K in check form, you're fine by yourself. If you want it in 20's, 10's or 5's, you're still good. Worst case scenario, (5's), would weigh 13 pounds.
Get it in 1's though and you may need some help, that pile will weigh 66 pounds, 2 ounces.
You'll need heavy equipment for $30K in quarters (1,500 lbs) or nickels (6,613lbs). Forget pennies ... they come to 16,534 lbs.
I know this because, basically, I have nothing better to do during staff meetings than look this stuff up. Here are a few more weird money facts:
- Currency has a lifespan - $100 bills live longest, $10's die young. (15 yrs vs. 5.5)
- Coins last way longer, up to 30 years.
- Wanna look fancy at the strip club? Iron your bills to get 'em nice and crisp.
- Money is filthy. Honestly, your toilet has fewer germs.
- There's an ATM on every continent on Earth. In case you want to buy this guy another flower.
- Pennies cost more to make than they're worth. Value, 1 cent - Cost, 2.72 cents.
- Being that its not paper but a cotton and linen blend, you can fold bills 4,000 times before they'll tear.
Debit cards, however, are done on the very first fold so, don't even go there.
Trust me.