Socorro ISD Will Begin Phased-In On Campus Instruction Next Week
After weeks of many parents petitioning online for schools to reopen, it looks like there is one school district that's ready to open their doors.
For some students. Socorro Independent School District will be the first district in the borderland to begin on-campus instruction again starting next week. Socorro ISD is one of the largest school districts in the region and district officials said they will start allowing students that have no internet access back on campus on September 8th for in-person instruction.
The transition to on-campus learning will continue in phases and will last until September 28th, according to district officials. The district did file a request to extend the transition period beyond the four weeks, according to KFOX News.
That waiver was approved but the district is being recommended that a quicker transition will be beneficial for students, parents, and teachers. The faster the transition happens, the quicker Socorro ISD schools will be able to offer all their students the opportunity to learn on-campus.
Parents who do not want their children to attend in-person classes will still be given the option of remote instruction instead for the 2020-2021 school year.
According to the City and County Health Authority Dr. Hector Ocaranaza the City of El Paso has met the parameters for districts to begin allowing some students to return back to campus:
“The parameters previously stated have shown a continuous downward trend in the pandemic indicating that the spread of COVID-19 in our community has slowed down to a level that can be considered as an indicator for return of in-person instruction on campus, in a safe and cautious manner, on or after September 8, 2020."