I am a HUGE Social D fan so when I found out about the new video, I HAD to see it!

They did such a cool job with it that now, I HAVE to share it with you guys!

I think you'll like it as well, whether you are an SD fan or not!  (I'm a freakin' uber-fan. I have all the CDs, a couple of DVDs and I DVR'd the Guitar Center Sessions on Direct TV.  I've seen them 4 times, interviewed Mike Ness 3 times and partied with former drummer ... and former El Pasoan ... Charlie Quintana. Both really cool guy!)

Anyway ... They took the story line of the song, animated it and voila. Kick ass video!!  Social Distortion appear as their (animated) selves and a few other faces you may recognize show up as well.  (Joey Ramone and Johnny Cash just to name a couple.)


Watch Social Distortion – ‘Gimme the Sweet and Lowdown’ via Rollingstone.com

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