Porn Viewing Skyrockets in Denver After Superbowl
After dealing with the horrible blowout, apparently in Colorado they went to rub one out.
Porn giant Pornhub.com just released their statistics from the night of the game and the findings were interesting. During the beginning of the game, viewership on the site was down 32%. In Denver, viewership was down 51% and in Seattle it was even higher at 61%. Then the game began to suck. Bad. Like really bad. After the Bruno Mars concert, the numbers started to change and people decided the game wasn't worth their time. They were right.
After the final score, and the last of the Bronco hopefuls realize they should have stopped watching after the first quarter, that's when the numbers get interesting. In Seattle and Washington, the number of people on the porn site continue to stay down, probably because they were too busy gloating and celebrating their landslide victory. In Colorado, Broncos fans decided to drown their sorrows in some of the best boobs Pornhub has to offer. The number of visitors on the site in Colorado was 7.65% above average and even higher in Denver, at 10.8%. You can check out Pornhub's statistics here.
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