Porn Preferences Among The Sexes
The researchers hard at work over at YouPorn World (that's the analytics page of the website, not the actual porn page) have gathered some interesting data about heterosexuals and their porn habits. In it, they found that 24 percent of straight men have watched male on male content (about one in four men.) Furthermore, they found that women also engage in watching same sex porn, with 34 percent of women admitting that this is content that they watch. I've got several female friends who would probably admit to that, but aside from my gay male friends, I don't think my guy friends would confess to watching gay porn.
Research also showed that 21 percent of women were more inclined to watch female solo shows as opposed to the 16 percent of women who preferred watching male solo shows. Men were less likely to watch male solo shows with only 7 percent confessing to watching male solo shows. But of course, the men did have a preference of female solo shows with 26 percent of men polling that they enjoy it.
Couples like to keep it steamy in the bedroom with 59 percent of women and 64 percent of men admitting that they have watched porn with their significant other. Survey users also confessed to some steamy offline habits. 36 percent of women have confessed to having a sexual encounter with someone of the same sex whereas only 24 percent of men said yes. As for participating in group sex, 45 percent of women said they haven't BUT they would like to, and 51 percent of men's fantasy is to participate in group sex. Looks like the next survey will have to be follow up!