El Chucos heaviest hitters have reformed, they're about to hit the road and ... best of all ... they're writing and recording new music!

Pissing Razors sprang out of El Paso, and put us on the heavy metal map, back in the 90's. A few years, albums and lineup changes later, they hung it up to pursue other musical ventures. Now, they're back! Guitarist Matt Lynch sent me this announcement:

This is the hottest news of 2017 and we are tagging you to give you the first chance at the story!
The Psycho, Punk, Metal, Groove Texas Band is back!
Pissing Razors, after members have finished tours with other bands such as Overkill, Ministry, Flotsam and Jetsam, Arch Enemy,Testament, Cannibal Corpse, Exodus and others, they are back together with new music soon and looking at a new tour early in 2018.
All contacts may be made through their Facebook for now, All contact information is there.

Drummer Eddy Razor dropped some touring hints too:

so at this point its looking like an old reunion with our brothers from skinlab...!! and 1 or 2 special guests joining us on a 10 show run late jan. into feb.. cali az. texas! reach out on our pages if you want us in your towns on this run!! we r stoked! as per requests to the other parts of our great country! and around the world! we will try and appease all of them in due time! thank you all!

Keep checking back here for updates and eventually, new Pissing Razors music!! For some past Razor Rock, click here!

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