When you think of pets in the United States, people usually think of owning a dog, a cat, a bird or a gerbil. Some people like to own exotic pets like a snake, a tarantula or a monkey. However with exotic pets, there are some states that you CAN legally own an exotic pet, and some that you CAN'T. Here's where Texas, New Mexico & Arizona fall with owning a monkey.

White Faced Monkey Eating Star Fruit

Let's start with Texas

Pete Alexopoulos - Lucas Beck via unsplash.com
Pete Alexopoulos - Lucas Beck via unsplash.com

In the Lone Star State, you can legally own a pet monkey. From El Paso to Sabine, you can add a pet monkey to your family; like a capuchin, a tamarin or a marmoset. However not every pet shop will just carry a monkey in the store. So if you're curious on WHERE to get one, there ARE places where you CAN get one. Keep in mind...they're not cheap so if you wish to own one, have a good amount of cash on you.

Cavan Images
Cavan Images

What about Arizona?

While Arizona is one of the few states with wild monkeys in the United States, as of 2015, you can NOT legally own a primate as a pet. Their laws are a little stricter; and there's a couple of species of primates that you can't own, as they are protected under Arizona lawChimpanzees, spider monkeys, orangutans, macaques, gorillas, and other primates.


And New Mexico?

Same scenario: you can't own any form of primate in a private residence. Monkeys & primates can only be owned on a residence for scientific study, recovery plans or as a service animal according to the New Mexico Department Game & Fish.

Rehabilitating Chimpanzees - A Labour Of Love
Getty Images

Before you go running out & buy a monkey, you need to know:

Each state is different so if you want to find all the different types of pet laws, you can find each of them for Texas, New Mexico & Arizona.

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