So you’ve probably heard your share of dreaded neighbor stories, or maybe you even once had a neighbor that just was not pleasant at all!

Thankfully I have been blessed with GREAT neighbors whenever I move. I once had a neighbor who would take out my trash for me whenever he saw it outside my doorstep. I also had neighbors that would always look out for my dogs whenever I was not home. If my dogs escaped my yard they would make sure to always let me know.

Well, apparently nice neighbors are common here in Texas! A new study has revealed that Texas is #9 on the list of states that have the kindest neighbors in America.

“The study included asking 10,000 people, from all 50 states, which kind of acts they would do for their neighbors. Overall, the study revealed a surprisingly high capacity for kindness across America,” read the survey.

The number one spot went to Georgia and the state that didn’t do so well on this survey was Vermont which placed number 50 on the list.


The survey also gave the top 10 overall kindest acts for neighbors:

● Pay for a neighbor’s groceries at the supermarket
● Donate money to a neighbor
● Donate diapers to a neighbor
● Buy extra school supplies for a neighbor
● Remind a neighbor that they matter
● Accept a neighbor as they are
● Organize or join local park and beach clean-ups
● Tell a neighbor what a positive difference they made to someone else’s life
● Mow the lawn for a neighbor
● Surprise a neighbor with their favorite things

I wanted to see if El Pasoans had nice things to share about their neighbors and I was surprised by how many amazing acts of kindness neighbors in El Paso have done for their fellow neighbors:

"One time my son came home from school in full ROTC uniform he had no house keys weather was over 102 degrees and front neighbors took him in gave him drinks and snacks until we got home.” Vanessa Flores Rey 


"Brought me food every night for 2 weeks while I had covid. She is the best!!!” -Julie May Black


"Every time they grilled something, they would bring me a plate. I was going through tough times and I was reminded that kind people do exist.” Hilda Alicia


"Shoveled snow for me to get out. I had never driven in snow before and they helped and guided me out of the complex. And another one made me dinner when they found out I came home late from work.” -Teri Lynn


EP Fire Random Act of Kindness


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