Nationwide Food Drive Coming May 14th
Saturday, May 14th, the biggest one day food drive in the United States takes place, organized by the United States Postal Service.
USPS letter carriers place donation bags in the mail boxes along their routes explaining that they will be picked up May 14th. On that day, (5/14), the donations are collected and all the food distributed LOCALLY.
According to, the drive raises over 70 million pounds of food a year. Last year, El Pasoans Fighting Hunger received over 100,000 pounds of that food. Approximately 83,000 meals worth!
Please watch for the food bag to appear in your mailbox and have them ready for pickup Saturday, May 14th. Canned vegetables, fruits, and pastas, as well as packaged cereals, rice and beans are especially needed. In El Paso, 1 in 3 children are hungry. A problem worsened during the summer months when school isn't in session and kids can't get their usual, school provided, meals.
For more info, contact Marisela Willits at either (915) 298-0353 or (915) 526-4341. You can also email MWILLITS@FEEDINGAMERICA.ORG.