Most recently, all of us on the Morning Show took some new pictures! Since it's just the three of us, we decided we needed new pictures. We took some nice ones, like us with the a dandelion.

Michelle Salazar/ KLAQ
Michelle Salazar/ KLAQ

And then Buzz blowing that dandelion right in my face.

Michelle Salazar/ KLAQ
Michelle Salazar/ KLAQ

But one of my favorites, is the one where we look like superheroes!


Because of this picture, we asked our faithful Instagram followers:

If Joanna, Buzz and Nico had a super power, what would that super power be?

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And dammit, y'all had some great answers!

For the most part, the answers had to do with things we all specialize in, like Omar's example:

Joanna would be The Cat Lady who controls cats at will, Nico would be The Jester pretty much the poor mans Joker and Buzz would be The Old Man...because well lets face it he is and most likely would stay behind to watch over everyone's coat

A lot of them have to do with me controlling or becoming a cat; which I totally love, it's like I could be Cat Woman, but cooler.

Ricky went with our signature traits:

Joanna would laugh bad guys into submission, Nico would tilt his head and blind you with the glare off his scalp and Buzz would scare away millennial criminals with old school terms that would offend them! Like "if you show up 15 minutes before you're supposed to, you're on time!"

Eriquita only had an answer for me, which I'm on board with:

Joanna can summons dolphins with her giggle.

And probably my favorite one:

Joanna’s would be, to turn into a cat at will. Buzz’ would be, to convince anyone that he was right in any argument by simply talking to them. And Nico’s super power would be to tell a funny joke.

For all these reasons, I believe that we should be the Powerpuff Girls for our Halloween parade this year! I got dibs on Buttercup!

If you have some better answers, you can always message us on the App Chat or call in to our Neckline at (844) 805-6325.

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