Over 100 McDonalds restaurants across the country decided to try something new and now they're pulling the plug on it after numerous, sometimes hysterical, goof - ups.

Don't worry Mickey Dee's fans ... the upcoming change has nothing to do with any changes to the menu or the prices. It's a technical issue this time around that's causing the change.

Basically, real people are coming back - score one for the humans.

McDonalds recently entered into a partnership with IBM to use artificial intelligence, (AI), to take orders at the drive thru's in around 100 markets across the country. It does not seem to have worked very well.

Over 100 videos of screwy order mistakes have popped up all over the internet and some of them are kinda funny ... one guy got bacon on top of his ice cream cone and someone else got billed over $200 bucks for their McNuggets.

They even tried a full on, totally AI ... meaning, no human employees allowed ... restaurant. Some seriously crazy stuff started happening and Ronald is calling it a day on both the AI restaurant and the AI drive thru order kiosks.

Seems kind of funny to me actually that AI and humans are running about even on this one. We, as humans, are all capable ... likely even ... to make mistakes right? AI is supposed to be perfect and on point, eliminating human error.

Seems like, at least when it comes to fast food, AI and mankind may finally be on a level playing field.

New Automated McDonalds in Ft Worth, Texas Gallery:

The fact is, this McDonalds is not "fully automated", they have a smaller staff working in the kitchen filling the orders, but the counter-person, all-to-often found with a bad attitude, has been eliminated in this dining concept. This new McDonalds is much smaller and has no seating for indoor dining. This is a take-out-only concept with all staff concentrating on getting the orders right. Will it work? We'll see.

Gallery Credit: Jim Weaver

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Gallery Credit: Tara Holley

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