Mashup of GOT and Vanilla Ice Will Get You Pumped for Week 2
They’re calling it “Song of (Vanilla) Ice and Fire”. Brilliant.
Even if there is a little “cheating” going on, this is still mighty impressive. Here’s a cover of Vanilla Ice’s hit from 1989 “Ice, Ice Baby”.
I suspect “cheating” in that I think for some of the vocals they aren’t using actual dialog from the show but are, most likely, having a voice actor say some of the words and mixing them in. I can’t imagine Cersei ever actually said, “rock a mic” during any episode. Likewise, I doubt Tyrion ever used the word “deejay”.
Nonetheless, it had to have taken hours…HOURS…to find all the audio, match it up to the video AND make it all sync up with the tempo of the song.
Really, this is top-notch stuff by swedemason. Check out the video and if you feel like supporting this…art, really…here’s the link to swede’s donation page.
See? You don’t have to donate a million to MoMA to be a patron of the fine arts. Enjoy the Vanilla Ice/Game of Thrones Mashup.