Can You Guess What The First Ever HBO Original Series Was?
Sex in the City say-what? Entourage who?
HBO Original Series have been around for over 40 years now, and include some groundbreaking shows.
The Sopranos... Veep... The Wire, just to name a few.
The shows above may never have existed without the success of its first original series, though. Critical to the development of HBO - and proof that a "pay channel" could provide a hit show - this series co-produced by Canada became the bedrock of for-pay-original-programming everywhere.
Did you get it yet?
The year was 1983, and with the help of Jim Hensen and Canada (more specifically the CBC)... a rival to Sesame Street was born.
Down at Fraggle Rock. You know you sang it in your head. Down at Fraggle Rock ... Down at Fraggle Rock ...
It was THESE ORIGINAL MUPPETS who strived for global acceptance (*more on that in a minute), with a catchy jingle that could stand the test of time who paved the way for an onslaught of HBO Original Series.
Jim Hensen himself said about the series:
It's a high-energy, raucous musical romp. It's a lot of silliness. It's wonderful.
The producers, with Hensen, made the series with the intention of it airing in various forms all over the world. *This led to Fraggle Rock becoming the first North American television show to be broadcast in the Soviet Union.
We always joke that Fraggle Rock led to the end of the Cold War.
Karen Falk, Imagination Illustrated: The Jim Henson Journal.
How about some good news... you're invited Back to the Rock. Time to end some more wars. Streaming now on Apple TV+.