Marilyn Manson is getting ready to release his new disc ‘Born Villain’ on Tuesday (May 1) and leading up to the release he’s been disclosing a lot about it including the literary inspirations that found their way into his new music as well as the warning label he thinks it should come with.

In a recent video interview with NME, Manson divulged, “I think this record should say buyer beware.” He explained, “It’s not the album you would want to put on a dating site – or something – it’s not the way to get girls to like you.” He continued, “However, that is the way to get girls to like you because people are attracted to danger. I am, it’s like when you go to an amusement park, it says ride at your risk, that’s the first ride you’re going to go on.”

He touched upon how confidence really fueled his songwriting on this cycle. “I had no fear, no hesitation, I had only ambition and that lead to confidence,” Manson explains. “I think confidence is the most appealing quality in any human being or any artist, that’s what really attracts us to people. Even in nature, peacocks with their feathers, so basically, I’m peacocking.”

Manson also talked about two books that inspired his new collection of work. “Two books in particular inspired this record,” he stated. “I would say I didn’t set out to make a record about these books but ‘Macbeth’ and ‘The Flowers of Evil’ by Charles Baudelaire – those two ring throughout the record. Of course I have a song called ‘Flowers of Evil’ and then I have a song where I recite Macbeth.”

One particular Macbeth quote really spoke directly to Manson about his livelihood. The quote “Full of sound and fury signifying nothing” meant a lot to him. “That’s essentially where I found myself and my career. This is what I’ve done, what does it all mean? It’s loud, it’s exciting, but does anyone get it?” asked Manson.

Watch the full interview with NME below and for a more with Marilyn Manson, check out parts one, two and three of our in-depth chats with him.

Watch the NME Marilyn Manson Interview

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