Ever wonder how many shots it takes to kill someone?

I'm talking drinks here, not bullets and 56 seems to be the answer. Before we go any farther, I am not insinuating that 55 or less is acceptable, ok?  Have a couple and call it a night. And don't drink and drive. Don't drink if you're pregnant either. There, I think I've covered myself now, on with the story.

A French bartender posted a "record number" of shots in his bar and encouraged customers to try and break that record.  I'm not sure if 56 broke the record or not but, that's how far one guy got.  He, for some reason, needed a little help getting home and was later taken to a hospital where he died the following day. The bartender, Gilles Crepin, was charged with manslaughter, given a four-month suspended sentence and banned from working in a bar for a year.

What do you guys think of that sentence?

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