Local Twitter Account Trolls MoSho
We got an interesting letter from a listener who needed some advice. His girlfriend, who had previously had trouble getting a job, finally got a job at Hooters. But this guy was not that happy about it. When he took her to the parent's home he told her to tell them she worked in retail. That's not entirely wrong, they sell shirts and whatnot at Hooters. Anyway, his question to us was should he ask her to quit? It then prompted callers and some of us on the show to share if we'd ever been embarrassed or ashamed of a job our significant other had.
A round of applause to whoever runs The Daily Dust Storm, y'all are the real MVP! I had never heard of the Daily Dust Storm, their bio says "Your daily source for better El Paso news and headlines" and that is genius, actually. We now follow each other on Twitter. I think this could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship, Daily Dust Storm.