Local Band 101: Volume 36 – Gasoline Alley
Part 3 of a look at Local Locos from the Alamogordo area!
The last two blogs covered Aggressor and Burning Sunday, now "meet" Gasoline Alley. Here's their story, as told by them.
Gasoline Alley is a good old fashioned, American rock and roll band hailing out of Southern New Mexico. We pride take pride in the numerous years of combined experience of the band members (150+ years combined), and the fact that we play songs immediately recognized for their popularity, and tightness of music and quality. We deliver signature sound that audiences have come to expect from the songs, often with a little "Gasoline Alley flair." Gasoline Alley was formed in 2010. Members are Tony Serrano, guitar and some lead vocals. Steve Podhajecki, guitar and backup vocals. John Hernandez, lead vocals. Ziggy Pieszala, bass guitar and Marc Bartholomew on drums.
Alamogordo, (located about 90 miles from El Paso via US-54), may not be a huge city, but it damn sure has its rockers covered!