Local Band 101: Volume 15 – Gytrash
A singer songwriter, relatively new to the El Paso music scene, is up this time.
Here's what Gytrash had to say about himself:
In 2015 and 16 he was playing and arranging in the lounge act Damenal, and to fill time commitments during 2- and 3-hour sets would play new originals on an acoustic guitar. Soon he realized he needed to give the project more of his attention and to give the project its own identity: Gytrash.
In July of last year he toured Texas, hitting Austin, San Antonio, Corpus Christi, and Mission. In August he released the single "Charter Park", produced on his laptop at the El Paso Public Library. In September he played his first set with a full band at Bowie Feathers. January 14th of this year, he released the single "Erased/Alabama Skies", self-produced with help from a half-dozen El Pasoans. His next live performance is February 3rd at the El Paso Brewing Company.
Check out his new single, "Erased/Alabama Skies", at gytrash.bandcamp.com.