L&J Cafe Keeps Bringing The Celebrities To El Paso
Seems like L&J Cafe is the number one choice for Mexican food with celebrities! L&J Cafe yet again had another celebrity sighting last night. The ever so humble actor Elijah Wood was spotted at L&J Cafe. Elijah Wood didn't mind getting a picture with one of the employees of L&J Cafe. Not sure who submitted the picture of the employee and Elijah but it got over 3,000 likes on The Real Fit Fam El Paso. FitfamElPaso happily posted the star-struck employee's picture with Elijah Wood on their account. This restaurant has fed so many celebrities and sure they will continue to from here on out. Looks like they're just going to keep adding to their list of celebrities. I guess if you ever hope to bump into a celebrity one day, be sure to grab a bite to eat at L&J Cafe. You can also see a list of other celebrities that have paid a visit to this Mexican restaurant. I wish I could have gotten my DVD of Green Street Hooligans signed by him!