Veterans Day wasn't always a day that meant so much to me. When I was young, I didn't really understand the cost of fighting a war and the toll it took on the men who went to fight and the families who were left behind. After living through eight years of my oldest son's service in the Army, I know now what Veterans Day really means and how important it is that we celebrate and honor the men and women who have fought for our country, and come back to live their lives after their service.

Being a veteran comes with a lot of baggage, especially for those men and women who saw active combat. We have just ended a 20-year war in Afghanistan and Iraq and all those men and women who fought and served are trying to make their way back into society. So many have gone back to their lives and their jobs both in and out of the military, gone back to raising their kids, living their day-to-day lives, but there are others who haven't and can't. Their wounds, both physical and emotional, may never heal. We honor all veterans on Veterans Day and hopefully, we remember to help out the groups who have helped them all as they have returned home.

President Franklin Delano Roosevelt offered this prayer on D-Day, 1944, and the men who were there who survived that terrible day became the veterans who were praised as the Greatest Generation.

We can never thank our veterans enough, but this president's prayer showed our country what our fighting troops faced on the battlefield. This Veterans Day, please remember to thank a veteran for their service, but also to remember that we need to make sure that they are all taken care of. If you would like to help an organization that helps our local homeless veterans, you can click here to donate to the Opportunity Center for Homeless Veterans Services.

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