On Friday, a bird ran into the KLAQ studio's window. Here is the story of Bird Man Rage.

Sometimes, Snapchat stories can be incredibly stupid. Other times, Snapchat stories are ridiculously stupid. This story happens to be both.

On Friday afternoon, a bird flew into the KLAQ studio's window. Personally, I can't help but to attempt to help any animal in need (except a rat, rats suck) so I immediately started freaking out wondering if this bird was okay. Visibly shaken, the bird was having trouble walking and we tried to help.

We named him Bird Man Rage because he was raging against the window and I kept calling him Bird Man for some strange reason. I mean, you're talking to a girl who named her fat pug Tubby because he's tubby. So I guess I'm a little literal in naming my pets.

Check out the video above and you can add me on Snapchat at ThatRadioChick for sadly more stories like this. And a lot of videos of my pugs.

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