If you're big on keeping your yard clean and alive, this soapy tip will let you know if it's infested with worms. You don't need all kinds of gadgets just your regular dish soap and a bucket to fill with water.

Bama fan clearly cares deeply about her yard and takes care of it by checking to see if worms are hiding. Her helpful tip really does work as you will see in her video above with the final results. Instead of paying a big amount, you can do the job with your usual everyday products that are right at home. She uses a regular sized bucket, throws in some Dawn dish soap and begins to fill it up with water creating suds. After she pours the bucket of soapy water on her lawn, voila! In a matter of seconds you will see these creepy crawlers trying to escape their clean death.

Hopefully this helps you out for you folks that love keeping that grass green and alive!

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