It Is a Surprise El Paso Ranks 11th Best Driving City in America
So recently El Paso was ranked just below the top ten for the best driving city in America. It came as a surprise since the latest peak of pedestrian-related accidents we have had recently. The poll was taken before the pedestrian accidents we've had lately around El Paso. I was surprised to see that El Paso made it just below the top 10th spot for the best driving city in America.
El Paso ranked in the 11th spot out of 100 other cities in America. Drivers spend an average of 310 hours on the road annually. Now I beg to differ about El Paso being high in ranking for the best driving city in America. There are quite a few careless drivers who think they're racing for first place in a race when it is raining. Another thing is some El Pasoans don't understand how to go the speed limit in a school zone. Plus, when there is a sign that reads No Turn On Red, they STILL turn on a red light. Place your vote below if you agree with El Paso placing in the 11th place for the best driving city in America.