Fireworks Are Part of Growing Up
We talked about the fireworks ban in the county on the show today, and it made me start thinking of how fireworks were a part of my life while growing up in El Paso. We lit snakes and sparklers with punks as small children in the backyard, and had bottle rocket fights as teenagers. I even worked at a friend's firework stand a couple of summers. Fireworks should be a part of every child's life, with adult supervision, of course. It's a right of passage. Half of the fireworks I played with are no longer available, they are too dangerous. Kids should be allowed to be kids, and part of that involves fireworks, and setting them off safely. Since you can't set them off yourself, go out and enjoy one of the local displays in El Paso: After the El Paso Diablos baseball games on Tuesday and Wednesday, the El Paso Country Club, Harvest Christian Center, Biggs Park at Fort Bliss, and at the
Chamizal National Memorial. Happy Fourth of July!
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