Every El Paso Parent Should Use This Genius Parenting Hack
Every parent's worst nightmare is losing a child either by death or kidnapping. We all know there are crazy people that exist in this world who hurt others by taking loved ones.
Plus, at stores, it can easily happen in an instant. But sometimes at stores, you can't rely on the belt buckle on shopping carts, since most of the time they're broken.
There is a hack I learned about over the weekend that I will now be using every time I shop with my daughter. We all can't forget the story about Alexandra Flores the 5-year-old El Paso girl who was taken from Walmart while her family was doing some holiday shopping in 2001.
As a parent myself, I can't imagine what it feels like to lose a child and don't ever want to either.
Now, in my experience, almost every shopping cart I've grabbed has a busted buckle. So I am excited to have learned this life hack from Jessica Hendrson.
Henderson shared her own personal parent hack for times she needs a safety plan for her children.
Who would have thought that snap hooks could also do the job to keep your child sitting and make it difficult for a kidnapper?
Henderson shared how to buckle your children in the cart with snap hooks with her pictures below.
So if you also want to avoid a horrific situation such as a missing child, this parenting hack can help.