An elderly woman and her dog trapped inside their vehicle in Louisiana floodwaters were saved by a group of rescuers. Check out the incredible video here.

In an incredible new video, three men were able to save an elderly woman from her sinking car. In an added bonus, the men were also able to save the woman;s dog who was also trapped in the car.

The video starts incredibly fast, with the man racing over in a boat to reach the woman stuck in the car. You can hear the lady screaming that she's drowning in the half submerged vehicle, while the rescuers yell back that the are coming. The men attempt to break the window and finally a man named David Phung leaps into the water to rip the convertible top off the car. The car becomes fully submerged and there are a few tense moments before the woman and her rescuers break the surface.

At that moment you think the action is done but that's when the woman tells them her dog is still trapped in the car. Phung desperately reaches around looking for the dog and they think the dog might be gone. He dives down into the water and about 30 seconds go by while your heart pounds, and then the man reemerges with the dog in his arms.

Check out the harrowing video above.

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