El Paso TNR Holding a Cat Chat to Answer Your Questions
El Paso's only 501c3 nonprofit TNR advocacy organization, El Paso TNR will be hosting a "Cat Chat" forum on Saturday, January 25th at 11 A.M. at the Mills Building. This is a great opportunity for the community to find out more information on the benefits of TNR. TNR means trap, neuter and return. According to their website, Trap, Neuter, and Return (TNR) is an approach to animal control where community cats are humanely trapped, evaluated, vaccinated, sterilized, and marked by an identifying notch in their ear. TNR is a proven method that is both humane and effective. When all cats are spayed, neutered, and returned to a colony, the population size will gradually decrease as offspring are no longer produced.
As a cat lady, and a person who tends to feed the neighborhood cats, I have personally seen the great benefits of TNR. I encourage all of you to attend this meeting, even if you aren't cat people. If you hate cats and are annoyed by the cat population in your neighborhood, I especially encourage you to attend as this is your opportunity to learn about what you can do to decrease the cat population in your area. The forum will educate the community on TNR as well as have all sorts of positions available such as trappers, transporters, admin, education and more.
You don’t have to kill cats to control the feral population in your area and this is such a great program where everyone reaps the benefits. Make plans to attend the Cat Chat hosted by El Paso TNR on January 25th at 11 A.M. at the Mills Building on the 6th floor. Seating is limited so El Paso TNR is doing this by reservation only, you can do so by clicking here.