El Paso Football Fans Showing Off Their Best ‘n Coolest NFL Swag
Pro football's back, meaning it's time to load up on chips, rinse the coolers, figure out which days we're calling in sick and, most of all, break out the gear.
Peeps in the 915 love their pro football and they also love showing off who their favorite team is. Or teams even, some folks have 2 favorites, some 3.
That's a bit much though, I mean, c'mon ...
I myself claimed "dual citizenship" when Tom Brady went to Tampa Bay. Except for when the Buc's played the New England Patriots.
I renounced Tom, for the minute, and stayed true to my Patriots. Call it separation anxiety I guess but he's fully retired now so, I'm back down to one team. Let's go 'Pats.
Anyway, El Paso loves football and we especially love giving each other crap about "that" team.
We're proud of our guys, whoever they may be, and spend lots of cash on jerseys, T-shirts, hats, vehicle decals, etc.
Especially jerseys, wow ... $200.00 for just one in some cases. Day-um.
I really miss the days when it was super easy to just pop over to Juarez, get a knockoff, a few beers AND dinner for, like, $50.
Anyway, here are some NFL fans from El Chuco rockin' their team swag.
El Paso NFL Fans Showing Their Team Pride
El Paso has historically been a Cowboys town but, over the last few years, other teams have made some headway.
I'd say about half of them even have dedicated fan club meeting points around town.
New England Patriots fans meet at 3 Pints Pub and Steelers fans group up at the Kings X for example. I've seen several places claim to be home to the Cowboys fan club.
Whoever you like, wherever you meet and whether you fly your teams flag proudly or cheer from the shadows, get ready. It's time ...
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