El Paso Community College Raising Tuition??
Community Colleges all over Texas, like El Paso Community College, may have to raise tuitions following proposed property tax changes.
Community Colleges in Texas are partially funded by money raised through property taxes. A proposed new system to cap property taxes could drastically affect the money that Community Colleges get, forcing them to either raise tuitions or cut back on the services they offer.
“Community colleges are alarmed,” said Brenda Hellyer, chancellor of San Jacinto College. While she understands the need for property tax reform, she said “the concern is you’ve got two revenue sources — your state revenue source is pretty much capped. And now, if you put a very tight cap on your property taxes, what can you do other than increase tuition and fees or cut your services?” - El Paso Herald Post
According to El Paso Herald Post, "property tax revenue makes up an average 40 percent of community colleges’ funding."
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