Dress As Your Favorite KLAQ DJ And You Could Win Free Tickets To The Fear Factory!
I know you guys hate homework on the weekends, but this will be cool! We're having a little fun on Facebook!
Take a picture of yourself dressed as your favorite DJ and you could win tickets to The Q Haunted Warehouse; The Fear Factory!!
It can be AM show/Glenn/Scott or Rick. (The use of props and pets .. screw you PETA … is highly encouraged!!)
Post the picture of you in your DJ outfit on the KLAQ Fear Factory event page.
There you go ... you're in the running!
Starting Monday, each jock picks his doppelganger and that person gets tix to the Fear Factory.
The jock will also use the pic as his profile for Rocktober!
Get your pics in no later than noon on the day listed below for the DJ you choose.
Monday (10/3) = Scott
Tuesday (10/4) = Mando & Teresa OR Duke & Teresa (a 2 Fer!!)
Wednesday (10/5) = Glenn
Thursday (10/6) = Mardi Gras
Friday (10/7) = Buzz
Good luck! Any questions, post 'em on the Fear Factory Event Page and someone will respond to you!