Discounts For Gun Owners
Well, in Virginia and Utah anyway ...
A place in Virginia Beach Va called "All Around Pizza" is offering a 15% discount to all customers either carrying a weapon or who show that they have a concealed carry license!
(I've been to Virginia Beach. It's a really nice place and now I like it even more!)
Owner Jay Laze, who got the idea from a yogurt shop in Utah that offered gun owners/license holders $1.00 off their orders said;
I thought it was a great idea, and I was wondering why nobody here was doing it." "It should be happening all around the country."
I agree!! We should have something like that here also. These days, it seems pro second amendment people have to "hide" their feelings. "Gun free zones" and "no guns" signs are everywhere. Mention having a gun and people look at you like you're nuts.
I'd be proud to do business in a place that proclaimed their appreciation of our right to keep and bear arms! Anyone know of any businesses around El Paso ... or anywhere throughout the Borderland ... offering discounts to gun owners??
If so, let me know below or on The Q facebook page!!