Dallas Restaurant Offering $100 An Hour Internship To Pet Puppies
A Dallas bar and restaurant is hiring for the job of a lifetime for a dog lover! Love dogs? Food? Booze? Big dogs? Little dogs? Well, one restaurant and bar in Dallas are looking for an intern that loves all of the above! But mostly the dog part. MUTTS Canine Cantina is a restaurant and bar in Dallas that welcome customers to bring their puppers with them to the bar. MUTTS is now hiring for "pupternship" position, where one lucky person will be paid $100 an hour to be surrounded by dogs all day. Specifically, the pupternship description includes "playing with customers dogs, overseeing their small and large dog parks and mingling with the dogs’ owners."
If this opportunity makes you feel like you'd be in dog heaven and want to apply you better hurry! The last day to apply for the pupternship is November 12th. Applicants must be over 18, be willing to commute to MUTT'S Dallas-Fort Worth location and apply through social media. All you have to do is post a video to your public Instagram about why you would be the perfect person for the position. Just make sure you tag @MUTTSCantina and use the hastag #MUTTSpuptern. You also can't have dog allergies, which kind of seems like common sense if you're applying.