Friday, it begins (... shudder ...) the Christmas gift buying.

Black Friday is typically the beginning of the Christmas gift buying season and it's almost here.  In fact, I'll be helping to kick it all off EARRRRRRLY Friday morning at Cielo Vista Mall!  Join me out there starting at 5am for HUGE savings, free KLAQ goodies and FREE tickets to WICKED!!   If you're on a super tight budget this year, try these tips!


Myself, I tend to hit liquor stores and book stores for gifts!  Stop by your friendly neighborhood liquor store and pick up a bunch of those little "airline size" bottles. Scotch, whiskey, tequila ... they're all there and can be had for as little as a dollar each!  Buy your co-workers a drink for Christmas and you're done!  (Unless you work with bus drivers or surgeons.) 

Then, maybe you should go for books!  Places like Walden Books always have a discount table and you can score cool books there like "History Of Motorcycles" or "Famous Ghost Stories" for under $10, sometimes even under $5. Titles and subjects vary ... WIDELY!! ... but you can almost always find something for someone!

Got a biker on your list??  Barnett Harley - Davidson has those trailers out in their parking lot LOADED with accesories, shirts, jackets, glasses and lots more for cheap!!!!!!!


Don't forget yard sales, thrift stores and homemade goodies!  (Everyone here at The Q studios is already drooling over the cookies our sales manager Georgina makes each year!!)

Don't forget Auto Parts. If you know any do it yourself-ers, give them a $20 or $25 dollar gift certificate.  That's about what everything you need for an oil change will run!!  The dollar store can be great for candles and picture frames and cutesy little gifts like that. Or wrapping paper and those things for .. duh .. a dollar! 


These days, saving is important! Every penny counts ... here are a few more ideas from

Simple ways to keep you out of the crowds and out of the poor house!  (Then you can spend evrything you saved on your kids ... or yourself!)  If you have any other ways, means, methods ... whatever; share 'em in the comments field!

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