El Paso city council members recently met to discuss whether or not homeowners could rent out their homes for parties or other "events". El Paso city staff popped up and said no, you can't. Ditto for the pool.
Texas loves Dairy Queen so much we've pretty much adopted the brand as an honorary "founded in Texas" business. It wasn't but only Texas locations offer these menu items.
Most people know that it is against the law to punch or otherwise assault someone, but did you know that the Texas mutual combat law allows in certain situations for two parties to fight and injure one another without legal consequences to a certain degree...
They say lightning never strikes the same place twice, but this small town in Texas is known to have the most lightning strikes in the entire United States.
Texas has an attitude about it, that's no secret, and we don't like being told that we can't do something. Even if it defies the laws of nature, physics or even logic; if we want it ... we're getting it.
We also have huge military installations and big, world record holding boots as well. Even our food portions are monstrous ... the very list of our big things is "big". Now, here's one more thing Texas can add to it - entertainment venues.